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Histo Chem Inc. Products
The increasingly sophisticated and specialized questions asked by neuroscience researchers often require the development of new and innovative tracers. It was out of this need to develop new markers for resolving brain anatomy, histochemistry and pathology that we developed our first tracers in the 1980's. These were the axonally transported fluorescent tracers SITS, Fluoro-Gold (™ Fluorochrome, Inc.) and Fluoro-Ruby. In 1997, we started Histo-Chem Inc., with the specific goal of manufacturing and distributing some of these unique neurohistochemical markers. Our first product was Fluoro-Jade, the first fluorescent marker of neuronal degeneration. Subsequent structure/activity research and development led to the formulation of two improved homologues, Fluoro-Jade B, and just recently, Fluoro-Jade C. The latter homologue results in staining of the highest resolution and contrast, while being technically fast, simple and reliable. Another product offered was Black-Gold for the simple, high contrast labeling of normal or pathological myelin. We now offer a varient of this stain, Black-Gold II which exhibits several advantages over the original stain in terms of not requiring intensification in gold salts, being highly soluble and able to be produced at a lower cost per lot. We plan to release another new product this year, specifically Distilbene-Gold. Distilbene-Gold produces vibrant retrograde axonal fluorescent labeling comparable to that seen with Fluoro-Gold but without the injection site damage and consequent tracer uptake by fibers of passage. Fluoro-Ruby has been shown to be a very sensitive fluorescent probe for demonstrating anterograde axonal transport. Both chemical and biological quality controls will assure a consistent product to avoid the batch-to-batch variability associated with other manufacturers in the past. This classic anterograde axorral tracer is currently available.
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