Primary Cells
Primary cells offer life science researchers the opportunity to garner highly biologically relevant data from studies in diverse areas of biological research. This collection of primary cells includes a wide variety of animal and human primary cells from highly respected pharmaceutical and biotech partners, providing reliable and accurate tools for the vanguard of life science research.

Primary Cells
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Why Life Science Researchers Choose Primary Cells Over Cell Lines
Isolated from organ tissue and maintained in vitro, the isolated primary cells that make up a primary cell culture are better at imitating the natural state of cells in vivo than immortalized cell lines, which is why they have become invaluable tools for studying cellular functions and processes. This is true for T-cells, stem cells, epithelial cells, endothelial cells, and many others.
Immortalized cell lines have long been popular components of biological research, as their robust nature and unlimited growth potential made them a more convenient option in many situations. Primary cell lines, in contrast, are isolated from tissues directly so they have normal morphology and maintain their in vivo characteristics. As such, despite their limited lifespan and expansion capacity, they have become the leading choice for researchers as they elicit highly physiologically relevant data with tremendous application for many areas of life science research.